Pistol Marksmanship Simulator Training
This course teaches basic marksmanship fundamentals & firearm safety using a simulated pistol with a resetting trigger and laser to indicate where the shots hit.
The Pistol Marksmanship Simulator Training Course teaches the fundamentals of sight alignment, trigger control, grip, and breath control. At the completion of the course, a participation certificate is awarded. Students may attend this course as a basis to decide whether or not they would like to follow-up by taking the full length Basic Pistol Course with live fire, or simply learn to improve their marksmanship skills.
Course Length: 5 hours
Prerequisite: None
Location: Classroom
Training Materials: Lecture, SIRT Pistol
No Live Fire
- Safe gun handling and simulator pistol knowledge
- Fundamentals of pistol marksmanship
- Apply the fundamentals of pistol shooting with a laser shot indicating simulator pistol